Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I have a young, sincere, naive and very impressionable eighteen-year-old assistant.  Ray is smart, attractive and works hard.  Last week we had a long talk about mentorship.  He wanted to know what kinds of questions he should ask his mentor and what he say to his mentor.  I told Ray that he should be able to discuss any topic with his mentor.  That his mentor is there to guide, encourage and support him in his professional, as well as his personal endeavors.  So, the following day I asked Ray if he had a chance to speak with his mentor and he said yes.  His mentor is a Director of HR for IBM - a very prestigious posititon.  Anydiddles, Ray said that his mentor invited him out for a night on the town in NYC for dinner, which should prove a great experience for Ray.  On the day of his date, Ray came to school looking very dapper, dressed to the nines, sharp as a tack.  However, one thing was amiss - Ray had on a black jacket, black slacks, black shoes, white shirt, pinned-striped tie and WHITE SOCKS!!!!!  I almost fell out of my seat.  I was stunned.  I tried not to laugh straight to his face, but couldn't help myself so I giggled - just a bit.  This was scandalous, to say the least.  Being the fashionista that I am, I quickly sent him home to change his socks from white to black.  Mama always knows best.  Cheers!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

THE INSIDE DETAILS OF A QUEEN'S PURSE: What Every Dignified Woman Should Have

I was watching CBS This Morning yesterday morning and an anchor interviewing a woman who wrote a book entitled "ELIZABETH THE QUEEN:  Inside The Life of a Modern Monarch revealed what Her Majesty keeps tucked away inside her purse."  Just getting another look of Her Majesty was a thrill in and of itself, but finding out what the contents of her pocketbook was indeed a facinating treat.  It's the same as any ordinary woman's purse:  lipstick, Kleenex, and a comb.  She's so impeccable.  She's not the Queen for naught.  Cherio!!

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a fun-loving individual who loves good food, good drink, good conversation and good people

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