Feeling sexy and good about yourself is certainly a bountiful way to live your life. Just because a woman is bountiful doesn't mean that she assumes she isn't desirable. For example, I expect to be accepted. When I meet men, my first thought is whether or not I'm interested in them not the other way around. It doesn't occur to me to be insecure about my sexual attractiveness.
Being yourself rather than trying to fit into someone else's mold draws people with similar interests into your life. Sure I carry more than my ideal weight. But I still love the feel of silky clothes on my body; I love to be touched and to touch. I am full of life and I show my body by wearing clothes that let people know I am a woman. Besides, I could put a sackcloth on and no one would ever consider me anything other. Some women of various sizes do not want to be "girly girls," I do and I have a great time doing it. Like many women, I too have both a critic and a champion within me. I confront my critic who shouts - I can't, shouldn't, don't you dare, don't even think about it. The champion side of me however, says go for it, do it, you deserve it.
I believe within the bounds of honest, good judgement, women of all sizes need to embrace abundant experiences. So whether you are voluptuous, curveceous, ample, substantial or RIPE - which to me indicates juicy, full, sweet and mellow - BE SEXY AND LIVE A BOUNTIFUL LIFE. Cheers!!