Thursday, January 23, 2014

LUCKY CHARM #8: Be a light, not a judge

As I look back on my life I can see that sometimes I have been greatly influenced by others' points of view, perspectives, opinions - some positive, some negative.  A lot of my life has been determined by what is called the "social mirror" - reacting to external, extrinsic stimulus or factors.  Dancing to another's beat.  The majority of us have lived our lives this way not really having the independent will, self-awareness or the conscience to choose a different way of thinking befitting of our true selves. 

Architecture states that "form follows function" and in human relations private victories precede public victories.  The Bible says that you should "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."  But if you have no personal integrity, if you cannot trust yourself, if you don't know yourself, how can you truly love yourself?  I believe that many of us don't even like ourselves much less love ourselves. We don't know who we are.  We never really examined or explored our lives.  We just go with the flow - being controlled by the puppet master (the puppet master being someone or something other than yourself directing your life).  The master says wear this, we wear it.  Eat this, we eat it.  Think this, we think it.  Never stopping to question, reason, examine if it is something we want, need or even jives with our internal values.  A life not examined ain't fit for living.  We all must explore, analyze, dig deep within ourselves to find out who we are, what we want to be and where we want to go, what really matters to us, what legacy we want to leave behind.  So that we can share this spectacular aspect of ourselves with the world.  The world is just waiting for us to don our true selves.  To bring our gifts and contributions to heal and help humankind in our particular field, work or interest.

The process of self-reflection begins with our mindset.  We must examine our own paradigms, frames of reference, theories, perspectives - our belief systems.  This is not an easy, overnight, quick-fix process and it might even take years, but it is well worth the effort.  

We reap quantum benefits when the principles of fairness, integrity, justice, balance, compassion, leadership, courage, empathy, generosity, community, character, love, understanding, wisdom and abundance thinking guide our lives.  What principles guide your life?  Cheers!!


  1. Great post! 'Dig deep'. That is something each one of us should do in every aspect of our lives. We all have something to offer this world. We just need to discover what that is.

    1. Being a social worker by trade - crossed over into education - I believe everyone has great potential (also, it helps that I am a Buddhist). My focus is on seeing the good in all and inspiring/empowering everyone I meet. Believing that by meeting me has added value to their lives. Cheers!!

  2. Replies
    1. It OK to emulate others, if by doing so helps you be a better person. Just trust and believe in your abilities and what you have to offer makes a contribution to the world. Cheers!!

  3. GREAT post. I'm getting better in being myself as I get older, but it's not always easy to see the difference between what you want and what others want. I especially have that problem when I'm writing my books.
    And about the principles that guide my life: doing what makes me happy, not hurting others and trying to do everything as good as I can (and that's when the social standards seep in again).

    1. Societal conditioning can blind us to our true selves. Also, many think that by focusing on ourselves is a selfish endeavor. But if we don't tend to our own gardens how are we to assist others. So, in the words of the youth today, "Do you." I mean that in a good way. Cheers!!

  4. I think self reflection is a very important part of life and we don't do enough of it. How do we learn and grow? We only have to be better then ourselves and who we were yesterday. Excellent post.
    xo Catherine

    1. Ditto! I could not have said it better myself. Right On! Cheers!!

  5. Well said! Most of us are familiar with Polonius' ancient admonition to his son, "To thine own self be true," but far too few of us have any idea who that "own self" even is. Even worse, too few even care.

    To me, copycat beliefs and inherited faith are meaningless. Each of us must question and examine the world around us to truly know what we believe to be true, and who we are... and who we want to be.

    May I never be so self-centered that all I see is my own small world, nor so self-satisfied that all I am is all I ever want to be. (I read that prayer somewhere back in the '70s, and it's stuck with me ever since.)

    Cheers! Happy weekend.

  6. I think when we were younger, most of us were guided by the "social mirror". As I age, I find I DON'T GIVE A HAPPY CRAP about what those around me think ... either of me or what I do.
    LOL... I don't know if the world is ready for my true self.

    1. I love your gusto Terry! As I have aged, I learned to really not give a *!@$^! about what people think of me. I think this sort of freedom only comes with age, Dahlin. Cheers!!

  7. Hi, Bobby.
    I'm so grateful you found, commented, and followed my blog. Thank you.
    Your niche of cyberspace is like a breath of fresh air on a nice sunny day - as I munch on fair trade chocolate (calorie, sugar and fat free).

    Have you met the Unapolgetic Dreamer? I think you're of like minds.

    Have a great day, and I look forward to lots more visits.


    1. Chocolate? I die for it. I am so happy I found your blog. And welcome. No I don't think I met the Dreamer. But I sure look forward to it. Have a chocolately day. Cheers!!


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a fun-loving individual who loves good food, good drink, good conversation and good people

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